Walk L2

Lamorna Wink Merry Maidens, St Loy, Coastal

Walk Details

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2023

From the Wink pub, walk back up the road and take the path on the left marked as a Public Bridleway SW 444 247.  Pass the Menwinnian Care Home and a converted chapel to the junction of two lanes and a road SW 435 246

Take the footpath on the left over a style and cross diagonally across the field to another stile.  Cross the field to the Merry Maidens stone circle SW 432 244 passing through the centre of the circle and continuing the same line to the corner of the field.  Cross the stile to join the road SW 431 244

Turn left and follow the road reaching Tregiffian Barrow, a megalithic chambered tomb (English Nature Information sign). Continue along the road for some down the hill, to join a footpath on the left as indicated by the marker post SW 418 238

Follow the footpath through the woods crossing the stream three times, the last time using stepping stones before reaching the coast path SW 421 231.

Cross the stile and turn left descending steps.  Follow the path crossing a track and going over a wooden bridge.  Turn left at the marker post and follow the track along the wall to join St Loy’s boulder beach SW 422 230

Cross the beach to the marker post at the left corner. Follow the Coast Path ignoring any side paths.  Pass through a gate as indicated by the marker post.  Pass the Penlee memorial and follow the path to a stile over the electric fencing.  Turn right and pass the entrance to Tater-Du lighthouse, continue along the Coast Path passing some boggy areas where there are some useful stepping stones to help you cross.  The granite outcrops increase as you near Lamorna Cove and care should be taken as you clamber over them.

Descend past the café and into the car park at Lamorna harbour, walk up the road to the left and return to the Wink