Green Signs

The Society runs a ‘Green Signs’ project  aimed at improving Public Rights of Way (PRoW) signage in our walking area. The photo presentation you can view by clicking this link tells the story of the project over the last 4 or 5 years.


Why Green Signs? 

In order to make full use of our PRoW network it is important to know where paths are. Wherever a public right of way leaves the tarmac surface there should be a green sign, but many are missing. Cornwall Council’s contractor Cormac have said that if they have a comprehensive list of the omissions they will be better able to plan, making more efficient use of their manpower to replace signs.  If all our 300+ members gathered this information we would quickly have the information that Cormac needs.
Rights of Way include bridleways and byways too as these multi-user routes need to be correctly signed, and are equally important to walkers.
Also, the RoW cannot be changed without permission :
• a landowner must not interfere with the surface of a path unless he has permission from Cornwall Council
• a landowner cannot add extra limitation without applying to CC. Footpaths, Bridal Ways and Byways cannot be obstructed and a landowner must only replace like with like. Gates, stiles or kissing gate cannot be introduced or changed without permission.
• it is illegal for a cattle grid to be placed on a PRoW and a landowner cannot just divert a path around one as it changes the definitive line.
Electric Fencing
• There should be no electric fencing or exposed barbed wire adjacent to gates and stiles. On bridleways it is extremely dangerous to have electric wire running alongside.
• the CC is responsible for clearing the surface and that means right back to the full width.
• however, the landowner is now responsible for cutting the sides
• side growth can be cut during the bird nesting season if it is a hazard to the users. CC will send a team to inspect for nests then instruct the landowner to clear if none are found.
Other groups are interested in Rights of Way being preserved, including Ramblers, The British Horse Society and numerous local walking groups.

Need to Contact the RoW Officer?  email using the form