Definitive Map Modification Orders are the legal process through which “lost paths” can be added to the map; these might be entirely new paths, extensions of existing paths, joining of two separate paths, eg through farms, or indeed alterations to the route of the Definitive line.

Anyone can submit a DMMO application to the Council. We suggest that WCFPS Members contact the DMMO officer for advice before starting the process. The DMMO Officer will be aware of any application already submitted or in course of preparation.

The Council website contains information on preparing applications and a DMMO Application Register.

Registered DMMO Applications can also be seen on the Council’s Interactive Map.

Once a DMMO Application is successful the Council will issue an Order to make the change to the Definitive Map. However, it will be some time before the Ordnance Survey map is amended – even on the OS App. To cover this period, WCFPS provides details of changes to the Definitive Map on our New Path page.