Gwinear 8.5 St Erth Praze
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2023
From the church follow the road past the cemetery, to Nanpusker Farm, to find a footpath on the left SW 585 374, up some steps to a stile. Follow the path across four fields with stiles, until it meets another path then turn left. After a short distance find a lane on the right SW 579 369 and follow this lane to a road.
Here, on the opposite side of the road take the entrance to the Animal Welfare Trust find the footpath behind a wooden fence on the right, then follow the path over three fields with stiles to pass Count House Farm SW 573 368.
Continue to the end of the path and turn left on to a lane which leads past Trewoone Farm SW 572 363. At the next junction turn right SW 576 356, cross field heading to the left of the house.
Pass behind the house the follow the left hedge along the field, at the end follow the boundary to the right until the gap in the hedge, with a fallen gate. Again, the footpath follows the left boundary, to find a collapsed stile in the far corner. As this is impassable a gap in the boundary at SW 568 357 will have to be used the keep to the right boundary until reaching another gap in the hedge and follow the left hedge towards the buildings.
Follow the lane to Tolroy Road at SW 564 357. Turn left and follow the road a short distance to find a footpath on the right SW 565 355 at farm entrance. Pass through farm buildings to find footpath directly ahead go through field and over stile, turn right to follow boundary to another stile at SW562 350 cross the next two fields diagonally heading towards the house cross over stile to turn right onto Steppy Downs Road.
Follow the road to find the second footpath on the left, just before the road bends to the right SW 555 348. Follow this path across a field to find a lane take the footpath opposite through the gate.
Cross this field diagonally to a stile the keep to the left boundary of the next field to reach the road at Tenedros SW 558 344, turn right and follow the road, turn left at the junction and where the road bends to the right, find a footpath on the left.
Cross the field diagonally to stile and continue in the same direction in the next field to a further stile. Keep to the right boundary to find the lane at the farm buildings. Follow the marker posts ahead over the stile to the lane, turn right and follow the lane a short distance until it turns sharp left. Here find a track on the right which passes through a gate. Cross a field to another gate the across the next field heading towards the bridge, head up the hill opposite to find a stile to the right of a metal gate.
Turn left on to the road to find a footpath on the right. Cross two fields with stiles diagonally, then pass through a gap into another field, keep to the left hedge and head towards the fence. Turn left and follow the footpath to the driveway. Turn left and then right just past Trelean farm SW 575 348.
At the end of the garden turn right and follow the boundary to a gap in the hedge. Turn left on to the lane.
Follow this lane to Calais Road and turn right, find another footpath in the parking area on the left. Cross the field to far right-hand corner and pass through the gap, in the next field keep to the right-hand hedge. In the next field keep to the left-hand boundary exiting by the gap in the corner, turn immediately right to find a way through the trees then turn left in to the field. Follow the left-hand boundary to a gap in the hedge, crossing directly over the next field to join a lane laid with concrete, bear right and follow the lane to Wheal Alfred Road.
Turn left and follow the road a short distance to find a well-hidden stile in the wall at SW 582 358.
Go through the bushes to the field beyond and turn left to follow the left-hand boundary to pass through a gap and again keeping the hedge to the left, cross the next field. Cross over another well-hidden stile in the corner and turn right on the track, pass between two metal gates and turn left, again following the left-hand boundary.
Pass over another stile and this time keep to the right-hand boundary in the next field, find a stile in the corner and once over it, turn left and follow the path through the overgrown bushes. At the end of the path turn right onto a track at SW 585 363 and follow this path some distance to the road. Turn right and follow the road back to the church.